Even if you are not especially nostalgic, Cynthia Beischel’s new book, Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati, will bring back memories.
You may be too young to have experienced the gentility of a former age, but you have grandparents, friends of your parents or even acquaintances who did enjoy the tea rooms. Cynthia has reached far and wide beyond her Glendale home to approximately 250 sources who graciously supplied recipes and memories. Read her list of “Those Who Shared Memories” in the back of the book and you are bound to recognize several names.
Cynthia is also the author of the delightful Virginia Bakery Remembered, so I anxiously anticipated Lost Tea Rooms and was not disappointed. A tremendous amount of research went into this book and Cynthia has been meticulous about its accuracy. It covers more than 70 years and gives a generous slice of Cincinnati history. Before shopping malls and the interstate, people used to get dressed up to shop downtown and then dine in the tea rooms. Gloves and hats were the correct dress for the occasion. The casual attire worn to shop today would have been considered scandalous.
Cynthia goes into detail about our notable stores such as Shillito’s, H&S Pogue, McAlpin’s and Mabley & Carew. Many recipes in the book come from the tea rooms in those stores when luncheon was served on fine china. Big bands played at the Albee Theater, and it was a treat to attend their afternoon shows after dining in the tea rooms.
Once Cynthia set the stage for the era, she deftly segued into illustrating the personality of the tea rooms. A copy of the 19th century Women’s Exchange Winter Bill of Fare is a remarkable example of inflation. A meal of chicken croquette, mashed potatoes, string beans and lemonade cost 30 cents. Can you believe fried oysters for 25 cents? She also beautifully explains what was happening in the city while the tea rooms were in full bloom. Remember Ruth Lyons, Bob Braun and Paul Dixon? Did you know that “much of the food shown on Ruth’s TV show was prepared at the Shillito’s Tea Room”?
Cynthia has included author’s notes that are tips at the end of original recipes. She lets us know which ones she found turned out better with a smidge of this or a soupcon of that. You’ll find recipes for Scotch broth from Pogue’s, raisin slaw from Lazarus, the L.S. Ayers Monte Cristo sandwich, Shillito’s chicken pot pie and color photos of Mabley and Carew’s Blue Fountain Room and McAlpin’s Miniature Menu to name just a few.
Mark your calendars to catch Cynthia at one of these venues. On Thursday, Nov. 3, she’ll be interviewed by Frank Farmer Loomis on his WMKV (89.3 FM) radio program, Keep Antiquing! Call into the program (513-772-965) from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and join the conversation. See Cynthia Friday, Nov. 4, at her book signing at Mrs. Teapots (339 Fairfield Ave., Belleview, Kentucky) in conjunction with the First Friday event there. Monday, Nov. 7, is the official release date of the book in bookstores.
On Thursday, Nov. 17, there will be another book-signing/luncheon event at The Bonbonerie Tea Room (2030 Madison Rdoad in O’Bryonville). OnSaturday, Dec. 3, Cynthia will have a table at the Blue Ash Craft Show at the Blue Ash Recreation Center (4433 Cooper Road)
Evelyn Perkins writes a regular column about people and events in the Tri-County Press area. Send items for her column to 10127 Chester Road, Woodlawn, 45215, or call her directly at 772-7379.
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