Heat and humidity on Saturday, July 22nd, didn’t keep me from traveling to Madison, IN, and participating in the city’s Slice of Summer Event. Actually the Village Lights Bookstore’s air conditioning might have lured a few people into the store where I was able to engage them in conversation about my books!
The book signing was more special than usual because I was joined by Bud Callaway, the former Executive Chef for the Shillito’s Tea Room! I first learned about Bud during my research phase; and then after I found him, he was very gracious and generous in providing information and materials – such as recipe tips, newspaper ads, and old menus.
Together we met book lovers and attracted interest from people who had no connection with Cincinnati, but loved good recipes – which are in full supply in both Virginia Bakery Remembered and Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati. The people who bought Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati not only got autographed copies with my signature, but they also had Bud sign the page where his photo appears.
If you’re ever in Madison, be sure to stop by the Village Lights Bookstore – you’ll enjoy the experience! http://www.villagelightsbooks.com/

Crystal & Robin were the first customers to purchase Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati.

Cat, Monica, me, Merritt, and Bud. Cat & Monica, ladies my daughter and I met over breakfast at 2 Sisters B&B came to visit the bookstore and buy both the tea room and bakery book. https://www.2sistersbandb.com

Bud still has that winning smile that he showed off in the Shillito’s newspaper ad that appears on page 44 in the book.