Glendale Community Library Turned into a Tearoom!

On Sunday, June 4th, the Glendale Library hosted a sit-down afternoon tea event and presentation.  A handful of talented Library volunteers turned the room into a beautiful, genteel atmosphere, and also prepared the food and beverage.  Guests were treated to finger sandwiches (fixed using recipes from the book) and cookies, served “hint of mint” ice tea while looking at vintage images and listening to me talk about Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati.

Quite a few guests got into the spirit of the theme and wore not only dresses, but also hats, fascinators, and (of course!) white gloves.  There was even a dapper gentleman there in his summer suit and fedora hat.

Following the presentation, there were some great questions that led to sharing stories not only in regard to the contents of the Lost Tea Rooms, but also about Virginia Bakery Remembered.  Turns out there were a number of people who remembered the wonderful baked goods they used to buy there, and they were thrilled to find out that with the recipes in the book, they’d be able to make and once again enjoy some of their favorite items from the past.


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