My book is in Target stores!

I got some exciting news a few weeks ago from Arcadia Publishing:

Subject: Your Arcadia title in Target stores this holiday season
Date: November 7, 2019 at 4:48:46 PM EST
To: “”

Hello, we’re excited to share with you the news that your title will be featured in a test Arcadia is doing with select Target stores this year.
The test has a defined set of titles which we’ve worked with Target to select and we expect these specific titles to be on display now and to remain in the Target fixture until the end of the year. We won’t be able to make changes to the assortment during the test. However, based on the results, we’ll work with Target to understand the best titles for the program, where to make changes, and whether we can expand to even more stores.
Your title, Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati: Reflections & Recipes, has been chosen for, among others, the Target location at 8680 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati OH 45255.
We will have full visibility to sales from Target and be able to replenish on a frequent basis. We want to keep the display full through the holidays.
Please, if you have a chance to drop by the Target location, check the full Arcadia section and do let us know how it looks. We’d love to see pictures if you happen to have a chance to get one and you can reply to this email with attachments. But do remember that part of the success is measured on by how easy we all make it for Target. So don’t try to rearrange the books and keep in mind this is an incredibly busy time so there’s no need to talk to staff in the store. If you run into an issue send it to us and we’ll jump on it.
One last point: let all your friends and family know. Use your social media, word of mouth, megaphones and anything else you can think of. After all, it’s a pretty impressive deal to be in a Target store for the holidays !


As you can imagine, I was very excited to receive the news that my book, Lost Tea Rooms of Downtown Cincinnati, was chosen to be one of the books placed in Target during the holiday season!

I visited the Beechmont Target this past week and saw the display – with my book on the top shelf!

And while I was in the store having my picture taken, a woman decided to buy a copy!!!



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